Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM > English > Research > Laboratories

Transportation and Territorial Systems


This laboratory is part of the
Systems Engineering Department.
It began operations in 1989.
The laboratory is run by
Dr. Juan Pablo Antun Callaba and
Dr. Angelica Lozano Cuevas
It is located in the Tower of Engineering
2 floor north wing
Ciudad Universitaria


Theoretical and applied research mainly on problems of traffic, freight and logistics.

Development of mathematical models, algorithms, strategies and software to support the decision-making on these subjects.


  • Land management strategies for competitive regional logistics center. Trust for the development of the central region of the country, 2008.
  • Basis for a comprehensive system of public school buses in Mexico City. Ministry of Education, Government of Mexico City. 2007-2008.
  • Transportation of hazardous materials in the metropolitan area of the Valley of Mexico. PAPIIT, 2006-2008.
  • Microscopic simulation on the access to the JVC Center. JVC Cultural and Business Center, 2007.
  • Microscopic simulation of vehicular traffic in urban areas of the Pénjamo Municipality. Pénjamo Municipality, 2007.
  • Comprehensive study of metropolitan freight and environment for the Valley of Mexico. Metropolitan Environmental Commission, 2003-2006.
  • Model for the wholesale distribution of fruits and vegetables for the reconversion of the Supply Centers. Ministry of Economy, 2005.
  • Methodology for the development of logistics centers in Mexico City airport. PAPIIT, 2004-2005.
  • Study for the project logistics of the Chiapas Door. Ministry of Economy, 2004.
  • Study of large vision logistics: strategies for the development of logistics and freight transportation towards sector's competitiveness. Ministry of Economy, 2003.
  • Basis for the aster Plan of Transportation of the Federal District. Trust for the Improvement of Roads in the Federal District, GDF, 2004-2005.
  • Macroscopic impact of the project "Expansion and Development of the Port of Veracruz in the Bay of Vergara" in terms of vehicular traffic in urban areas, with emphasis on freight transportation traffic-Phase I. Port Authority of Veracruz (Apiver), 2003.
  • Impact of project JVC Center on the northwest vehicular traffic in the metropolitan area of Guadalajara. JVC Environmental Management, Omnilife de Mexico SA de CV.
  • Macroscopic simulation of the effect of the project "Second level of the Periférico and the Viaducto" on traffic in the road network in the Metropolitan Area of the Valley of Mexico. GDF, 2002-2004.


  • Macroscopic modeling of vehicular traffic present in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche. IMPLAN Carmen, 2008-2009.
  • Proposal to improve vehicular circulation of Ciudad del Carmen, based on the macroscopic analysis of future traffic. IMPLAN Carmen, 2008-2009.
  • Planning for ground vehicle circulation of the Monterrey Airport. OMA Airport Group, 2008-2009.


The staff relies on 12 computers including servers, desktops and five laptops, plus specialized self-developed and commercial software for traffic analysis, traffic simulation and Geographic Information Systems for Transportation.