Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM > English > Research > Area

Support Services

The support services offered by the Institute to its academic personnel, administrative staff and students are:

Instrumentation Department

The Department of Instrumentation works as an area of technical service and support for other departments within the Institute. The main priorities are to provide specialized, technical support, maintenance and repair of a wide range of equipment that the Institute uses.

Computing Department

This department is dedicated to work with computer science, technology, and telecommunications to lend support to academic personnel with research projects, enable the use of the full range of tools the Institute possesses as a tool for change, a means of modernization and an agent for innovation and productivity.

Publicity and Communication Unit

Circulate and disseminate information about different academic activities that take place at the Institute on the main campus. Strengthen communication within the institute and between UNAM branches by publicizing activities and research projects with those entities. Prepare the contents of the Institute's Newsletter (Gaceta) by inviting academics to contribute by means of short papers . Organize guided visits to the institute; create all kinds of pamphlets and general printing services for event promotions organized by the academic staff. Support different academic events through a diversity of publications inside and outside the UNAM. Present projects conducted by all groups within the Institute in fairs, conferences, and other academic events. This unit is found in Building 1, ground floor.
This unit is found in Building 1, ground floor. 

Information Services Unit

The Information Services Unit (USI) is the Institute's Library with the objective of serving the engineering community with bibliographic and hemerographic information to aid in research activities. The library is staffed with specialized librarians.
The library offers a series of services from automated bibliographic searches, a collection of reports, theses, patents and books; a subscription to periodicals and journals, a specialized reference collection, an electronic data base; interlibrary loans from both national and international institutions.
The USI is part of the network of libraries at UNAM and offers access to multidisciplinary databases with complete texts available to the community and with some databases with exclusive access to members of the Institute.