
This laboratory is part of the Mechanics and Energy Department.
It began operations in 1985.
The laboratory is run by
M. I. Eduardo Rodal Canales and
M. I. Alejandro Sanchez Huerta
It is located in Building 8,
II UNAM. Ciudad Universitaria
The Hydromechanics Laboratory was established in order to have a space available to build models or experimental devices to help conduct research on issues mainly related to Hydraulics and Hydromechanics.
Here we analyzed experimental devices and physical models that allowed us to resolve problems like:
- The diagnosis of the excess in hydraulic push for the turbines of the Chicoasén dam in Chiapas.
- Cavitation problems of the venting turbine of the Chicoasén dam in Chiapas.
- Calibration by using an experimental model, of the numerical model developed at the IIUNAM for calculating water hammer, which has been used for the design and tests of the great aqueducts of the country.
- Research on transitional flow with column separation, which has been the subject of several published papers.
- Verification of the correct operation of the aerators designed for the Huites dam spillway.
- Observation of a reduced carrying capacity by trapped air in pressurized conduits by means of a experimental device. This effect has altered the operation of several aqueducts like Macrocircuito, Topolobampo II (cooling water system), and alternate line of the Cutzamala system, among others.
- Currently, tests are being done to study two-phase flow experiment and to calibrate numerical models for prediction of such flow.
- Experimental work to support the project IMPULSA.
- Studies of pipeline leaks.
- This laboratory is making a scale model of the east discharge tunnel (TEO) for the drainage of the valley of Mexico.
Two recirculation circuits, each of them has a pipe with a 4-in. diameter. One is for general testing and the second one is a steel pipe with non-metallic pipes for the study of leak detection in water networks.
- A 1:21 scale model of the spillway of the Huites dam.
- Installation for the study of two-phase flows.
- Several experimental devices for desalination of seawater.
- Spectrophotometry equipment for gases.
- For the implementation of these experimental facilities as well as for field work, the Hydromechanics Laboratory has developed and acquired measuring equipment for hydraulic , mechanical and electrical variables, among which are:
- For pressure measurement: electronic transducers, Bourdon type manometers, mercury manometers, micromanometer (tilt pressure gauges).
- For flow rate measurement: laser Doppler speedometer, Pitot tubes, and high-speed camera.
- For measurement of flow: triangular spillways, orifice plates.
- For mechanical variables: devices for position, speed, linear and angular displacement measurement. Strobe lamp.
- For recording of electrical and electronic signals: signal conditioning, data acquisition, spectral analysis of low frequency signals, oscilloscope, multimeter.
- In addition, to address a range of internal services, the laboratory has a 5 HP compressor and pneumatic pumping equipment with different output power (25 to 200 HP) and capacities (from 20 to 1200 lps).