Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM > English > Research > Laboratories | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Geoinformatics ______________________________________________________
This laboratory is part of the SCOPE Study of various aspects of geotechnical problems of the Basin of Mexico: regional subsidence, cracking of soils, geotechnical anomalies and the location of galleries, caves and other cavities, for which surveys and reconnaissance trips conducted in the field have been very useful. ACTIVITIES Development of increasingly comprehensive and extensive geotechnical and geo-environmental maps to show risk, which are very useful. The laboratory has detailed local studies of multiple areas of the Basin of Mexico. From previous works, we have prepared the geotechnical rezoning of the Building Code for the Federal District in 2004. In the same way, we have studied the subsoil structures of different sites located in the states of Veracruz, Tabasco, Queretaro, Yucatan, Puebla, Guerrero, Chiapas and Campeche. MAJOR WORKS AND RECENT PROYECTS