Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM > English > Research > Area > Ecosystems



The Ecosystems area has a wide range of complex ecological communities and environment, which have an important role in nature (Patter and Jǿrgensen, 1995). Basically ecosystems are a fundamental part of life and this department studies the interactions of organisms and problems in their environment. Investigation of ecosystems allows the team to determine the importance of different species and communities (vegetation, animals and groups of organisms).
The studies developed look at climate interaction, hydrology, physical and chemical characteristics linked to the ecosystem as part of a hydraulic region.

Climate studies place an emphasis on the roles played by temperature, precipitation and solar radiation, linked with geomorphologic conditions of the earth to stabilize pressure where and when water can damage the ecosystem under study.

The research takes place in the Institute of Engineering and focuses on the study of soil-plant-atmosphere systems, in particular agro ecosystems. Also, the team studies humidity as part of the hydraulic systems that determine benefits to the environment and how they are impacted by people. Geo morphologically, the team analyses the natural movement of rivers, the change of soil usage and also covers adverse effects in areas likely to flood.
One tool to accomplish these projects is the use of remote perception by which the team obtains information about different regions. The use of geographic information systems permits the management and analysis of a great amount of information , which allows identifying zones of interest.