Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM > English > About Us > Mission and Values

Mission and Values



To contribute to the national development and the people’s well being through engineering research, education and a close connection with the community.



Since its origin, the II-UNAM has been consistent with its founders’ ideals, which has given birth to the most important academic project for engineering research in the country. The former is largely due to the observance of the following institutional values.



To have deep analytical skills.

To be in accordance with current standards and regulations.

To use all tools and technology creatively.

To contribute generously to the country.

To have university spirit.

To be loyal to the UNAM.

To have unity with other university branches.

To exercise academic and research freedom.

To conduct research aimed at solving national problems.

To have a commitment to the engineering field in Mexico.

To contribute to the growth and strength of the Institute.

To have institutional leadership.

To have honesty in research.

To conduct research projects with quality and rigor.

To be committed to the education of new generations.

To respect diversity and different abilities.

To recognize the merits of employees and staff.

To promote camaraderie among staff, professors and researchers.