Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM > English > Organization

Publishing Committee


The functions of this committee are clearly defined in the Publishing Committee Code of the Institute. Committee members are four researchers from the Institute and one member of the Publishing Section. Its main activity is to evaluate the publication of works proposed for the Institute of Engineering's Series.

All works are reviewed by at least two experts on the subject, preferably one from the Institute of Engineering of UNAM and one external. Evaluations by these individuals are analyzed in a committee meeting and then the definitive opinion on each work is issued having this analysis as the basis.


Current Members:

Presidente, Gerardo Sierra Martínez
Alejandro Vargas Casillas
Oscar Arturo Fuentes Mariles
Rosa María Ramírez Zamora
Miguel Pedro Romo Organista
Secretaria, Olivia Gómez Mora