Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM > English > Organization

Internal and Assessment Councils Support Unit




Araceli Reyes Herrera




Academic Secretary
Edificio 1  Fernando Hiriart Balderrama,
Circuito Escolar, 
Ciudad Universitaria
04510, México D.F.
Tel: +52 (55) 5623 3600 Ext. 8101



To support the activities of the internal council, the assessment committee and the academic improvement head office, of the Institute, which are overseen by the Academic Secretary.


To provide the necessary documents for the processing of contracts, sabbaticals, research projects, promotions, etc.

To aid academic personnel in applying for projects and other research opportunities within the collegiate bodies.

To receive and submit information to the internal council and the assessment committee.

To support the organization of meetings for the internal council and the assessment council.

To support the academic improvement head office with the reception and management of applications.

Drafting of final communication with assessments and comments of the collegiate bodies.

Follow through with paper work and internal procedures while updating all parties involved