Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM > English > Organization

Internal Council


The Internal Council is a consultation entity of the director. It includes the following voting members: director, academic secretary, three office heads and elected academic representatives. Elected academic members are: one full time professor for each head office, elected by the researchers from the same head office, and one full time technician elected by all technicians of the Institute. Elections of these representatives take place as defined in Chapter VIII of the Internal Code of the Institute of Engineering.




This Internal Code is available in the intranet of the Institute of Engineering.

The Internal Council is chaired by the director and the academic secretary acts as the council secretary. The Internal Council may invite people to its sessions with the right to voice but not the right to vote. The representative of the academic staff to the Technical Council of Scientific Research will be a permanent guest.

The Internal Council is responsible for the following:

  1. To advise the director with respect to planning general policies applicable to the Institute's operation.

  2. To write regulations and specific guidelines for the Institute of Engineering.

  3. To approve the creation or removal of research areas.

  4. To establish publishing policies.

  5. To sanction the annual report of the Institute’s director.

  6. To assess the institute's operation.

  7. To advice the academic staff through the Academic College.

  8. To assess activities carried-out by the academic staff and recommend ways to improve staff development.

  9. To approve incentives and additional remunerations for academic staff members.

  10. To participate in the election of academic staff´s representatives to councils.


The Internal Council will meet by convocation of the director or the Technical Board of Scientific Research, or when three or more of its members so require. Given the number of issues to be addressed, the council meets around twice a month.


Current Members:

Luis Agustín Álvarez Icaza Longoria
Rosa María Ramírez Zamora
Ramón Gutiérrez Castrejón
Manuel Jesús Mendoza López
Alejandro Sánchez Huerta
David Morillón Gálvez
José Antonio Barrios Pérez
Roberto Gómez Martínez
Arturo Palacio Pérez
María Teresa Orta Ledesma
Germán Buitrón Méndez
Paulo Salles Afonso de Almeida