Instituto de Ingeniería, UNAM > English > Organization

Finance Management Unit





Lic. Neftalí Said Pérez González




Building 1 Fernando Hiriart Balderrama,
Circuito Escolar, 
Ciudad Universitaria
04510, México D.F.
Tel: +52 (55) 5623 3600 Ext. 8105


Since one of the main tasks set out in the Institute's mission is to "conduct fundamental and applied research to solve problems of national interest," the Institute supports the various administrative steps that are performed to obtain the liaison and financing in its various research activities through the Finance Management Unit, under the Academic Secretary.

Its main objectives are to keep the information about academic exchange programs; options for abroad research stays, new research lines and financing options to increase the quality and quantity of scientific research; in addition to promoting, monitoring and attending the members of the community in the application of research projects of the Institute of Engineering.

The functions of this unit are:

1. Link academic staff with funding agencies (CONACYT, DGAPA, companies, etc.).

2. Post convocations for internal use of the Institute

3. Monitor academic projects and management of internal and external proposal of academic staff

4. Monitor the University's incentive systems (PRIDE, PASPA) and S. N. I.

5. Management of academic exchange with CTIC

6. Organization of competitions and awards